This Excellent Free Notepad Replacement Gets An Update

As is often the case, my recent posting about a small, portable replacement for NotePad brought a small flurry of suggestions for alternative products. It seems that a good note-taking app is one of the ley requirements of Windows users, and they like to continue in their never-ending quest for the best one.

Robert Tucker, based in Canada, gets the credit for pointing me at Jovial Notepad, which is a tiny free replacement for Windows Notepad that also includes a lot of the features of WordPad too. I actually wrote about this a few months ago, but it has recently been updated so I reckon it deserves another mention.

You can choose different fonts as well as different colours too. And URLs get underlined automatically and become clickable. If you’re a programmer it’ll automatically recognise XML and
SQL syntax too.

Jovial Editor is a tiny 32 KB download and is portable and free. It can save in text or RTF format, and runs under all recent versions of Windows. It’s malware-free according to VirusTotal and Web of Trust.
