Securing Endpoints

Endpoint security has been gaining ground in the IT Security world in the last couple of years, though they have been around for more than a decade and a half. The first product from the Endpoint Security stable was the anti-virus software. Now endpoint security includes personal firewall, host IDS, anti-spyware, client anti-spam, client remote access etc apart from many other tools. This article delves more into the concept of endpoint security.


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What does the largest credit card theft teach us?

A 28-year-old man was charged with the largest credit card theft ever in the United States, in which more than 130 million card numbers were stolen, the US Justice Department said. Albert Gonzalez, of Miami, Florida, and two co-conspirators were accused of hacking into the computer networks of firms supporting major American retail and Financial organizations and stealing data. Continue reading “What does the largest credit card theft teach us?”

ALICE – The Chat Bot

Human intelligence has always been trying to find newer ways of searching. With advancements in technologies such as voice recognition, Natural language processing and Artificial Intelligence, it shouldn’t surprise many if in the future, systems connected with the internet can be configured to respond to the user queries in a casual manner . Continue reading “ALICE – The Chat Bot”

Keyloggers – 6 Simple Tips to avoid being a victim of Keylogging

How safe is internet banking? Online banking fraud has doubled in the first half of 2009.


Some customers are still falling foul of ‘phishing’ schemes i.e emails that pretend to be from a bank and then direct customers to bogus websites where their passwords are stolen.


But more careful online bank customers are also suffering at the hands of underground hacking technology – ‘Keylogging’ – and is largely held responsible for the rise in online fraud.  Unlike Phishing, this is not an attack that alert and sophisticated users can avoid.

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OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Layer – Functionality, Tools and Protocols

OSI Layer Model developed by ISO, which is a 7 layer networking model, defines how networks should be designed and how devices on a network talk to each other. Each layer in the OSI model works directly with the layer above or below it and has a set function for moving communication across a network. The following table gives a quick overview of each layer and devices / tools / protocols used by each layer for communication.

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