‘Dexter’ Malware Caught Swiping Credit Card Numbers From POS Systems


A new piece of malware is targeting point-of-sale (POS) systems at retailers, hotel chains and other businesses worldwide.

According to Seculert, the malware—known as “Dexter”—has been seen found being used in hundreds of attacks during the past two to three months. The malware has hit systems in 40 different countries, with the largest percentage (42 percent) in North America. Nineteen percent are located in the United Kingdom.

Original news article at https://news.hitb.org/ on December 14, 2012 at 06:08AM

Connectify Dispatch now available, melds all our internet access into one speedy link (video)

Connectify Dispatch

Clearly, there’s a lot of us out there who like the idea of blending multiple connection types: in the wake of a better than expected Kickstarter run, Connectify’s Dispatch is ready to download. As promised, the app unifies as many cellular, Ethernet and WiFi connections as a computer can muster, whether it’s for a simple speed increase or a quick handover if one or more links goes down. It’s also smart about bandwidth use, tracking usage and prioritizing connections to avoid using that heavily capped mobile data plan until it’s absolutely necessary. Only Windows users get to boost their internet for now, although Connectify is hoping for Android, Linux and Mac ports in 2013.

Continue reading Connectify Dispatch now available, melds all our internet access into one speedy link (video)

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Source: Connectify

Original news article at https://www.engadget.com on December 13, 2012 at 08:30PM

Three New Cyber Security Threats in One Day

Internet crooks never cease to surprise me. The inventiveness in being bad is super. If these guys lent their thinking power to the economy, the economic crisis would be solved within a week.

Today I ran into three brand new cyber security threats that were reported on. In one day. So I thought to share them with you.

1. Samsung’s smart tv wide open to criminals

Who would have thought. The moment I read about TVs connecting to the Internet, I thought: trouble. Despite the fact that just about everything that connects to the Internet for the first time was hacked before the TV, e.g. printers, digital photo frames, cell phones, Playstations, etc., etc., apparently no one in the TV world thought that a layer of defence might be necessary. Perhaps it’s time to work with sanctions or develop some standards before a device is allowed to connect?

What is next? Sorry if I’m a bit sarcastic here.

2. QR codes that lead to malicious sites

QR stands for Quick Response (see Wikipedia). Recently these codes were all over the place, making the life of end users easier to live or that of businesses of course.

In The Netherlands they have found stickers on QR codes in the public domain leading to malicious websites for infections or phishing. So, from now on the public can never trust another QR code again as there’s no way of telling if one is false or true. Please check whether it is stickered on, please, before use?

3. Blue tooth devices in skimming

Now the public is more alert for skimming apparently there’s a new generation working via blue tooth. Interesting.

Luckily the FBI dismantled a botnet with the help of Facebook, so there is some good news also in the balance.

The moral

Cyber crime is about opportunity and this window of opportunity needs to be closed as soon as possible. That way there is less money to be gained, so most criminals will go elsewhere. In order to achieve this, cooperation is adamant. On which I expect to write more in the near future. But also, it’s time and I repeat, to think security through before decisions towards connectivity are made. Don’t do something just because you can!!!

Written by Wout de Natris, Consultant international cooperation cyber crime + trainer spam enforcement

Original news article at https://www.circleid.com/topics/ on December 12, 2012 at 10:24PM

Bypassing Two-Factor Authentication

Yet another way two-factor authentication has been bypassed:

For a user to fall prey to Eurograbber, he or she must first be using a computer infected with the trojan. This was typically done by luring the user onto a malicious web page via a round of unfortunate web surfing or email phishing attempts. Once infected, the trojan would monitor that computer’s web browser for banking sessions. When a user visited a banking site, Eurograbber would inject JavaScript and HTML markup into their browser, prompting the user for their phone number under the guise of a “banking software security upgrade”. This is also the key to Eurograbber’s ability to bypass two-factor authentication.

It’s amazing that I wrote about this almost eight years ago. Here’s another example of the same sort of failure.

Original news article at https://www.schneier.com/blog/ on December 11, 2012 at 12:34AM

36 million euros stolen from banking customers across Europe using mobile malware

(LiveHacking.Com) –  A sophisticated and complex attack has been used to systemically steal millions from banking customers, both corporate and private, across Europe. By using a combination of malware for the PC and malware for mobile, the attackers have been able to  intercept SMS messages used by banks as part of their two-factor authentication process. First the attackers would infect the victim’s PC and […]

Original news article at https://www.livehacking.com on December 10, 2012 at 11:56AM