FBI seized Citadel banking Trojan servers

Microsoft and the FBI have taken down a botnet that controlled millions of infected PCs, which was responsible for massive bank fraud. Botnets are networks of computers infected with viruses that let them be controlled by hackers.

The outfit runs the Citadel Botnets and is believed to have stolen more than $500 million from bank accounts over the past 18 months. Citadel is one of the

Original news article at https://thehackernews.com/ on June 06, 2013 at 10:43PM

Keyless Remote Entry For Cars May Have Been Cracked

WheezyJoe writes “The Today Show had a piece this morning showing video of thieves apparently using a small device to open and enter cars equipped with keyless entry. Electronic key fobs, which are supposed to be secure, are replacing keys in more and more new cars, but the evidence suggests that a device has been developed which effortlessly bypasses this security (at least on certain makes and models). ‘Adding to the mystery, police say the device works on some cars but not others. Other surveillance videos show thieves trying to open a Ford SUV and a Cadillac, with no luck. But an Acura SUV and sedan pop right open. And they always seem to strike on the passenger side. Investigators don’t know why.’ Police and security experts say they are ‘stumped.'”

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Original news article at https://slashdot.org/ on June 06, 2013 at 02:02AM

Indigo is a cloud-based, cross-platform personal assistant for Android and Windows Phone 8 (hands-on)

Indigo is a cloud-based, cross-platform personal assistant for Android and Windows Phone 8 (hands-on)

The idea of a personal assistant needs no introduction: you already know Siri, and those of you fortunate to own a Jelly Bean handset (or at least a hacked ICS one) have the privilege of using Google Now. So there’s very little we haven’t seen here. And yet, we were inclined to take a look at Indigo, a new personal assistant for Android and Windows Phone 8 that launched yesterday, and will be available as a free download in the coming weeks. Meet us past the break to find out why.

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Source: Indigo

Original news article at https://www.engadget.com on February 26, 2013 at 09:27PM