Knoppix 7.2 Released

hypnosec writes “Knoppix 7.2 has been released for public testing — unlike its predecessor, Knoppix 7.1, which was only made available through the annual Linux Magazine CeBIT edition. Based on Debian “Wheezy”, Knoppix 7.2 packs quite a few new features, including newer desktop packages from Debian/testing and Debian/unstable Jessie. The latest version uses the Linux 3.9 kernel and xorg 7.7, and comes loaded with LibreOffice 4.0, GIMP 2.8, Chromium 27 (and Firefox/Iceweasel 21), Wine 1.5, and Virtualbox version 4.2.10. It uses LXDE by default. For users who still want to go for KDE or GNOME, version 4.8.4 and 3.4.2 of the respective desktops are available from the Knoppix DVD.”

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CloudCube Is One App that Manages All Your Cloud Storage Space

Android: Instead of keeping a half-dozen apps on your phone to manage all of the free cloud storage you’ve signed up for, CloudCube is a single app that gives you complete control over all of them. The app supports two-way upload and download, automatic syncing, and more.

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