This article is a continuation of the article ‘Securing information through identification, authentication and authorization’. The table below gives the pros and cons of the various authentication methodologies. Continue reading “Authentication methodologies compared”
Securing information through Identification, Authentication and Authorisation
Authentication is a critical component of the access control mechanisms implemented by organizations to secure information. Underlying principle of logical access control is to identify whether a user is in fact the right person whom he claims to be and provide the right type of access to that person. Continue reading “Securing information through Identification, Authentication and Authorisation”
How to connect to a remote PC over internet? – Part 1
You can connect to your work computer from your home computer and have access to all of your programs, files, and network resources as though you were in front of your computer at work. You can leave programs running at work and when you get home, you will see your work computer’s desktop displayed on your home computer, with the same programs running. You will need “Remote Desktop Connection” (RDC). Continue reading “How to connect to a remote PC over internet? – Part 1”
Tech Demystified – Cookies
Cookies are small text files that some websites put on user’s computer to store a variety of information about the user and user preferences. Continue reading “Tech Demystified – Cookies”
Know the ‘lock’ icon on your browser
Most of us know that a website is secure if there is a ‘lock’ icon in the browser frame. Let us find out what this lock means and how it enables us to know whether a site is secure. Continue reading “Know the ‘lock’ icon on your browser”
Is Anti-virus software needed for Linux?
Linux is considered a very safe OS. This is mainly because there are more Windows machines than Linux boxes. For hackers it makes more sense to attack a wider population to get better results. As a result Linux has been spared of widespread virus attacks. This does not mean Linux has bullet-proof safety against viruses. The following table lists some linux viruses which necessiates administrators to consider anti-virus measures to be implemented. Continue reading “Is Anti-virus software needed for Linux?”
Technical guide on IT Migration Audit
The Committee on Information Technology of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has issued a technical guide on IT Migration Audit. We are pleased to have been involved in this initiative of the Institute. We thank the Institute for acknowledging the contribution of the Qadit team comprising of CA N Venkatakrishnan (Special Invitee of the Committee on Information Technology of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India), CA Mahesh Balan, CA V Vijayakumar, CA N Swameshwar and CA Suresh Rangarajan in the Preface of the publication.
Thin-Client and Information Security
Concept of thin-client, which has been around for a decade and half, is back in the limelight with cloud computing gaining considerable popularity and acceptance. It is, therefore, relevant to know how thin-clients aid information security. Continue reading “Thin-Client and Information Security”
How to sanitize data on hard disk drives, USBs , CDs and DVDs?
We are always under the impression that formatting of a HDD or USB removes the data permanently. But this is not the truth. Data on these media can be retrieved by special disk / file recovery utilities and laboratory attacks even after formatting. Let us see what the best method of sanitizing data is. Continue reading “How to sanitize data on hard disk drives, USBs , CDs and DVDs?”
Asymmetric Encryption Rules Made Simple
Asymmetric encryption rules seem to confuse people as to when to use a private or a public key and for what purpose. Given below is a table which gives in lucid form of what key to use, when to use and for what purpose.