Web app security: not rocket science

A web presence is mandatory for all but the smallest businesses. Yet at the same time web sites are the biggest and one of the easiest targets for hackers: they are notoriously fraught with vulnerabilities. Information Week and Dark Reading offer a few strategies to help you deal with this dilemma.
via https://www.cmo.com.au/mediareleases/17977/web-app-security-not-rocket-science/

Evolution of Attackers-for-Hire

The emergence of attackers-for-hire is a troubling trend in cybercrime, and one particular group is changing its techniques to gain access to computer systems, says Symantec researcher Kevin Haley.
via https://www.bankinfosecurity.com/evolution-attackers-for-hire-a-6252/op-1

Facebook Requiring Password Resets in Adobe Aftermath

The tentacles of the massive Adobe breach, called one of the worst in U.S. history by one security expert, have reached Facebook users, specifically those who used the same email and password combination for the social network as well as Adobe.
via https://threatpost.com/facebook-requiring-password-resets-in-adobe-aftermath/102918

Android Banking Trojan Svpeng Goes Phishing

Kaspersky Lab researchers say the Android banking Trojann Svpeng now has phishing capabilities and may be testing the waters to infect devices outside of Russia.

via https://threatpost.com/android-banking-trojan-svpeng-goes-phishing/102822